Wrap’d Tight, a wrap and salad shop, has reopened at 308 S New Street on the SouthSide of Bethlehem, just a few doors away from their former location. The location was home of the former Michael’s Steaks, which shut down in early 2013. The restaurant said the space is larger and will allow them to expand and add more menu items. The future of the business may already be up in the air, however, as local developer Dennis Benner is planning on constructing a large project at the site which will include office space as part of the city’s recently won CRIZ development designation from the state. Wrap’d Tight’s former location is currently set to be turned into a restaurant or bar when the new development is completed. As of now, according to state and city documents, the name will be Jackalope’s.
Wrap’d Tight Reopens in South Bethlehem
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