The Mint Hosting an Oskar Blues Dinner

by theelvee_w2oe3m

The Mint Gastropub in Bethlehem is hosting an Oskar Blues beer dinner this Thursday, June 21st.  The dinner is six courses and includes six beer pairings, including a pretty rare keg of Barrel Aged Ten Fidy.  Reservations are required and the meal is $65 per person.  Weather pending the dinner will be held outside.  The menu:

Devlish Eggs
Dale’s Pale Ale-pickled eggs, hot yolk filling, Dale’s hollandaise sauce
Paired with: Dale’s Pale Ale

Buffalo Chicken Donuts
Spicy G’Knight-braised chicken, fresh donut, bleu cheese glaze
Paired with: G’Knight

Mexican Street Corn
Fire-roasted Deviant garlic aioli, queso fresco
Paired with: Deviant Dale’s on cask with dry hopped Cascade hops

Beef Skewer
Ten Fidy-marinated ‘deckle ‘, pineapple
Paired with: Barrel Aged Ten Fidy

Chicken inside a goose inside a hog
Paired with: Gubna

Freeze Pops
Fruit macerated with Ten Fidy, vanilla bean cream
Paired with: Old Chub


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