Ah, yes. The Lehigh Valley Brewfest is nigh. Last year’s event was a spectacular display of the throngs of people that will come out to get drunk in the shittiest of weather. Pouring rain did not deter me, nor various others from checking out brewery after brewery doling out delicious ales. This event seems to get bigger by the year and some participants bust out some one-off or vintage beers to pour which makes me all the happier to go and drink them. Last year Stone brought their 8th anniversary, a 5 year old brown ale and Erie brought a one-off Smoked Railbender. I didn’t know enough about beer at that point to know much else, but this year I’ll be sending down a full report. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 at the door, and it’s worth every penny. Pray to the Beer God that the weather holds out this year! Find out more information at http://lvbrewfest.com
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SlowDayToday, The El Vee. The El Vee said: Anyone hitting up Lehigh Valley Brewfest this weekend? https://www.theelvee.com/?p=582 […]