WLVT To Air Locally Produced Beer Show

by theelvee_w2oe3m

We’ve written about American Beer Blogger before (here, here, and here).  It all started out with a Kickstarter fundraiser to raise $60,000 to produce a TV series based on SEPA-based writer Lew Bryson’s forays in the beer world.  The Kickstarter failed, but the team behind the production decided to have another go at it, hoping to raise less money to produce just one episode of the show.

And they got their money.  The show is being produced by Easton videographers from Green Leaf Productions.  Most notably they’ve done some video work for Artsquest.  After the team got their fundraiser money, they set out filming at places like Stoudt’s brewery in Adamstown, PA and hosting events at Easton staples like Porter’s Pub and Pearly Baker’s Alehouse

Now local PBS affiliate WLVT is airing the pilot episode March 8th at 10pm as a pledge show.  Not only will the first episode of American Beer Blogger air, but Lew himself will be live on-air to help with PBS’s pledge program.  What’s this mean?  It means that if you call in and donate (even a small amount) to PBS, it will help ensure the continuation of American Beer Blogger being aired on PBS.  According to Lew, it’s the number of pledges made and not specifically the amount of money they’re for.  So if you’re into things like kicking back with a cold one, watching a show about beer produced by some local guys (and why wouldn’t you be?), I’d suggest tuning in and throwing a few bucks their way.

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