Yuengling to Introduce Summer Wheat Beer

by theelvee_w2oe3m

Yuengling, over the past few years, has been slowly introducing new seasonal beers to its line-up.  In 2009, in celebration of their 180th anniversary, Yuengling rebrewed its bock for the first time in 40 years.  The next year they bottled that beer, and a year later, in 2011, the introduced their Oktoberfest beer as part of Artquest’s now annual Oktoberfest event.  Now they seem poised to introduce Yuengling Summer Wheat, a take on the traditional German wheat beers that have come to dominate the summer beer scene in recent years.  There’s no more information immediately available about the beer, but we’re confident that you’ll be seeing this on draft everywhere come summertime.

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1 comment

PennState November 12, 2013 - 3:09 pm

Hmmmm… worth a try I guess. These guys use too many adjuncts in their brewing process to make a quality brew but with the bock and the Oktoberfest recently things are improving… if they would only add a few more hops to the Chesterfield!


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