American Beer Blogger, a TV show development project featuring Eastern PA-based writer Lew Bryson, is trying to raise money for their first episodes. The show is based around Lew Bryson, a big name in the beer and whisky community, touring around PA and the US, interviewing brewers, and visiting different breweries.
Green Leaf Productions, an Easton-based company, is heading up the filming and production. They’re taking a very untraditional approach to getting on a network: they’re trying to raise $60,000 to do six episodes, which they will then presumably shop around to networks in hopes of getting picked up. They’re using a Kickstarter campaign, offering different incentives based on different levels of donations, to raise the cash.
Today they’re also having a fundraiser at Porter’s Pub in Easton starting at 11am and going all day. It also looks like they’ll be doing some filming down there, so stop down and have some Weyerbacher and maybe you’ll see yourself on TV in a year or so.
Image is an outtake from the American Beer Blogger trailer