Today The Brew Works is releasing some Barrel Aged Insidious Stout. This beer is already exhibits flavor of dark chocolate, burnt malts, and toffee. This year they decided to hold back a bunch of this beer in bourbon barrels and it’s going on tap at all locations today. I’m definitely stopping by and grabbing a glass of this because it sounds awesome. To the left there is a picture of one of the barrels that this aged in resting in the basement of the Allentown Brew Works.
It looks like we’ll be getting another round of Arctic Alchemy from historical brewer Chris Bowen. The beer was previously a one-off release in conjunction with The Brew Works at the start of their Arctic Alchemy trip (read more about it here). After someone posted on their Facebook page that all of the Brew Works locations were out it looks like it’s time to make another batch. We eagerly await (and I know others that missed the first release do too).
The Bookstore has FINALLY updated its beer list after letting it go dormant since October 19th. Even better? They’ve got North Coast Old Stock on right now, which costs $23/bottle at Abe’s so this will be a cheaper way of trying out the 2010 release without plunking down for a bottle. Or you can try it, fall in love with it, and then drop $23 for a bottle like I’m sure we will.
Founder’s Nemesis, the once-a-year release from Founder’s Brewery in Michigan, is on draft right now at Tap and Table. It’s a barleywine aged in maple bourbon barrels and boy is it damn delicious. It probably won’t last too much longer so you’re best off getting there sooner than later. Speaking of which, they’re hosting a beer dinner with The Bruery in March that features some vintage versions of their beers paired up with dinner courses for $55 per person.
And last, but certainly not least, Weyerbacher released their brew schedule for the year and it includes the usual plus the return of some old favorites. Heresy and Insanity are both released and should be in stores soon. Heresy is Blithering Idiot barleywine aged in oak bourbon barrels and Insanity is Old Heathen imperial stout aged in bourbon barrels. Both are stupidly good. Some other news includes that they’ll be bringing back Blasphemy after a three year hiatus, bottling it in 750ml bottles. This is their Quad beer aged in bourbon barrels and if this hilarious post over at BeerAdvocate is any indication, it’ll getcha drunk. They’re also bringing Tiny, which I believe was a limited release, into the year round rotation. The next beer in their Brewer’s Select series will be Oscar, a 7% Hefeweizen/IPA to be released sometime in late February. They also let on that Riserva, their crazy wild ale, will be back in the summertime and they plan to brew at least one other wild ale, if not more, this year. Sounds like they’ve got a crazy schedule ahead of them.